Pathways Exploration

Early and ongoing consideration of potential post-secondary destinations provides students with valuable knowledge and direction as they look toward and prepare for their future.  

The HWCDSB offers a variety of programs, experiential learning opportunities and resources to support students while they investigate their pathway to post-secondary destinations of: apprenticeship, college, community living, university or the workplace.

To make the process of exploration easier, the HWCDSB offers students access to curated, relevant and local information and supports through the following platforms:


myBlueprint provides students access to a variety of tools and resources that support knowledge and skill acquisition in the four areas of learning in education and career/life planning – Knowing Yourself; Exploring Opportunities; Making Decisions and Setting Goals; and Achieving Goals and Making Transitions. Some of these include:

  • five comprehensive Who Am I? assessments that aim to help students discover their learning and personality styles, interests, desired knowledge, and motivation factors;
  • backward or forward planning opportunities with the most comprehensive post-secondary and career databases;
  • a high school course planner tool that allows students to visually plan towards province-specific graduation requirements while instantly discovering their eligibility for every post-secondary pathway in Canada;
  • a portfolio development tool designed to help students keep track of important experiences, activities, achievements, skills, and document their learning with documents, images, videos, and more;  and,
  • a resume builder.

School administrators, teachers and students will be able to access myBlueprint directly from mySite.   

Once logged into mySite, simply click on the myBlueprint icon link to access your myBlueprint account. 

Alternatively, you can log in by visiting and clicking on the School Account Login button.  This should take you to the HWCDSB login page. Log in using your mySite login credentials.

Edge Factor

The Edge Factor online platform provides an opportunity for Grades 9 – 12 HWCDSB students to explore various career pathways, training and education needed for employment. This resource also provides fantastic information on transferable skills that support life and career success.

Students can securely access Edge Factor through myClass/LMS in the Student Tools tab.